A is for The Complete ARTIST’S WAY

The Is of Writing: Inspiration and Inspirational Resources

The Complete ARTIST`S WAY is a culmination of The Artist’s Way, Walking in This World, and Finding Water all wrapped up into one volume. 732 pages including a Creative Clusters Guide and suggested readings, this hard covered book will be a much desired and useful addition to your writing book shelf.

Other books by Julia: The Right to Write, The Artist’s Date Book, The Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal, The Artist’s Way Work Book and many more…
Find out more about Julia Cameron, her books, blog, online course and writing community on her website.

Check out her blog.
Or follow Julia on Facebook.

A to Z Blogging Challenge: A is for …

Please comment by sending me an email (Denise) before checking out the other blog posts for the A to Z April Blogging Challenge at the link:

Blogging from A to Z Challenge (April 2014)

About Denise Reashore

Denise M. Reashore spends most of her free time reading, writing, and gardening - - or staring out the window at the brightness of a new day and dreaming of digging in the earth. Throughout the winter, precious free time goes into mapping and planning her future garden and, hopefully, writing and reading retreat. The rest of the time, from September to June, she spends working as an elementary school teacher. She lives on almost 3 acres, in an old Victorian style home, with her husband, two lovely daughters, and a cat.

11 responses to “A is for The Complete ARTIST’S WAY

  1. The Artists Way is a wonderful book for writers or for anyone who has stress in their life. (and who doesn’t?) My favorite part is the morning pages. They let you pour it all out – get it out of your system.


    • The morning pages are a really great way to get what is stressing you off your mind so you can move on with your day and create, in what ever form appeals to you, whether it be writing, painting, baking, cake decorating, sculpting, welding, etc.


  2. This is an amazing book– and it changed my writing.
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2014

    Twitter: @damyantig


  3. pinksocks

    Dripping by from A-Z
    Glad to have come across this one 🙂 Hope to read it someday.


  4. pinksocks

    Dropping by from A-Z
    Glad to have come across this one 🙂 Hope to read it someday.


  5. The Artist’s Way is a personal favourite because this was one book that ‘called’ to me rather than me picking it up. Sounds strange, no? But it’s true. And thank you, Denise, for a heads up about the other books by Julia Cameron.


  6. sundarivenkat

    Hi Denise, thanks for introducing this lovely book to me. Will surely check it out 🙂


  7. I’ve got this book, but sorry to say I haven’t finished it! I did read the first book years ago, and found it useful at the time. It’s a great book for someone struggling to connect to their creative self.


  8. greyzoned/angelsbark

    I love Julia Cameron. She has such wisdom to impart! I am one who has struggled with the morning pages but find when I get out of my own way and just do them, amazing things happen. The artist dates help us slow down to notice the wonder all around and about us. Definitely have a copy of The Artists Way on your bookshelf. Thanks for the reminder! Looking forward to the rest of your A-Z tips and inspirations!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Go on a DATE with Your Creative Side | Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers

2015 A to Z April Blogging Challenge

2014 A to Z April Challenge

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