P is for Playlist

The Is of Writing: Inspirational Music

Create a playlist for writing time that inspires you or has a similar theme as your novel. What 5 songs would be on your playlist?

Related Materials:

Writing Music (www.stereomood.com)

Friday Favourites: Playlists for Writing (thewritingdays.com)

Ten Great Writing Playlists  (tweetspeakpoetry.com)

About Denise Reashore

Denise M. Reashore spends most of her free time reading, writing, and gardening - - or staring out the window at the brightness of a new day and dreaming of digging in the earth. Throughout the winter, precious free time goes into mapping and planning her future garden and, hopefully, writing and reading retreat. The rest of the time, from September to June, she spends working as an elementary school teacher. She lives on almost 3 acres, in an old Victorian style home, with her husband, two lovely daughters, and a cat.

5 responses to “P is for Playlist

  1. Oh – I have to have complete silence when I’m writing, a playlist would therefore probably be the sound of water bubbling, or the sea – something I can tune out. But if I am writing about a particular animal then I do listen to the sounds they make – if a bird, their song for instance. ~Liz http://lizbrownleepoet.com


    • I have a nice collection of instrumental music and nature sounds too. I like calm and quiet when I write and relaxing music helps with that but sometimes background music helps me to tune everything else out.


  2. Reblogged this on The Writing Days and commented:
    This blogger was nice enough to mention my blog in their post about writing playlists. Thanks for linking! Make sure to check out Organization and Inspiration for Fellow Writers.


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